Heavy Weather by P.G. Wodehouse is a comedic novel that revolves around the eccentric members of the Blandings Castle household. Lord Emsworth, a devoted pig enthusiast, finds himself entangled in a series of mishaps when his prize-winning pig, the Empress of Blandings, goes missing. Meanwhile, a variety of characters, including scheming relatives, aspiring thieves, and love-struck couples, converge at Blandings Castle, leading to a chaotic series of events. With Wodehouse’s signature wit and humor, “Heavy Weather” is a delightful tale of mistaken identities, romantic entanglements, and the absurdities of English upper-class society.
Heavy Weather – P.G. Wodehouse 1933 | 1st Edition
- Author:
P.G. Wodehouse
- Publisher:
Little, Brown & Co, Boston, 1933
- Binding:
- Condition:
- Size:
- Attributes:
First US edition, first printing. Pictorial black cloth, spine ends rubbed, binding tight, internally fine, unmarked. Good or better.