Before succumbing to the insanity that ravaged his later life, Guy de Maupassant established a reputation as France’s preeminent short story writer, an artist whose cynical and macabre visions paralleled those of Hoffmann and Poe, and directly influenced those of Ambrose Bierce, Mark Twain, and H.P. Lovecraft. His stories are nightmarescapes of psychopathy, corruption, and decadence, featuring a serial-killer judge, a maddening episode of cabin fever (which influenced The Shinning), a gruesome discovery during a night on the river, the inexplicable exodus of a man’s walking furniture, the famous invisible vampire, the Horla, werewolves, haunted rooms, neglected ghosts, and vivid affairs of necrophilia.
The Tales of Guy De Maupassant – Guy de Maupassant 1977 | Easton Press
- Author:
Guy de Maupassant
- Publisher:
Easton Press, 1977
- Binding:
- Condition:
- Size:
- Attributes:
Fine Binding
Binding tight, internally fine, all edges gilt, unmarked. Illustrated by Gunter Hohmer. Fine.