Edward Julius Detmold was born in London 1883, the twin brother of Charles Maurice. He is well known for his animals illustrations in their natural environment.
In 1900 E.J. Detmold worked the illustrations for the Fables of Aesop and in 1911 illustrations for Maurice Maeterlinck’s “The Life of the Bee“, Camille Lemonnier’s “Birds and Beasts” and “The Book of Baby Beasts“.
In the following year he worked on Maeterlinck’s “Hours of Gladness“, in 1915 on “Book of Baby Birds” and in 1919 on “Birds in Town and Village”. In 1919 he also produced a portfolio of “Twenty Four Nature Pictures” and in 1921 on “Our Little Neighbours” and Jean-Henri Fabre‘s “Book of Insects“.
The Fables of Aesop, first published in 1909 by Hodder & Stoughton practically defined his raise to fame as one of the best animal illustrated artist.
During his long career, he did the illustrations for many books, including The Jungle Book, The Life of the Bees, Birds and Beast, Rainbow House, Stories from the Arabian Nights. The later is his best and clearly place him among the best Golden Age Illustrators.
Presenting the First Edition of The Fables of Aesop, with illustrations by Edward Julius Detmold . Published by Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1919.
Art Gallery: Edward Julius Detmold – The Fables of Aesop 1909
BOOKSTORE: Rare, Antiquarian, First editions, Illustrated Children's Books